Episode 5: Tip Tuesday: Recognising that you are enough as a small business owner

For today’s tip Tuesday, listen as Fiona reminds everyone to reflect on how far we’ve come since we started our own businesses. Most of us often forget our journey as business owners and we end up comparing ourselves to others when we should be focusing on our own goals and accomplishments. This episode is perfect for anyone who needs a reminder that we need to overcome the idea that we are not far enough along our business’ goals.

Topics discussed in this episode: 

  • Tip Tuesday Introduction [0:49:44]

  • Recognizing How Far You’ve Come In Your Business [1:03]

  • Fiona Reflects on Her Own Experience [1:36:45]

  • Take A Minute and Reflect Where You Are Now [2:50:91]

  • Conclusion [3:28]

Okay, so it's another Tuesday, which means it's time for another tip,tool, or tactic. Woooh! No, I really don't know why I'm so excited. I guess it's Tuesday and that's a work day for me.

But anyway, let's get into it.

Today, the tactic that I wanted to share with you is one that I use a lot myself, but also one that I've shared with clients and people that I've taught. And basically it's about overcoming the idea that you are not far enough along or that your business isn't perhaps where it should be where you think it ”should be”. So one of the things that I like to do is to stop - stop, collaborate and listen - no, to actually just stop and think about where was I three years ago. So, currently in my business, I'm in my fifth year.

And so I think back to three years ago, oh, my God! Like, the person then would have died to be doing some of the stuff that I'm doing now. You know, to have a podcast or to, you know, only be working predominantly online, to not have to drive into the city in peak hour.

 You have to kind of question my worth and be able to charge what I'm charging now.

And I mean, these may seem sort of superficial things, but I think taking that minute or, you know, 10 minutes to really reflect on where you were three years ago, what you most wanted, and then kind of realize how much of those things or how many of those things you actually have now, even small things like I've gone back and looked at the invoices that I used to send and my God, I used to like undercharge myself massively.

Those people were getting a bargain. But I look at it and I think, wow, I'm in such a better position. And I think just that stopping, that reflecting, even if maybe you didn't have a business three years ago, but you dreamed of having a business and now you have that business. And so I think there's always a positive that we can look at.

And when we reflect and we think back often we can realize that the things that we're sort of taking for granted now are things that we once dreamed about.

So if you are in that kind of mentality at the moment, maybe you're comparing yourself to other people or you're thinking, “Jesus, you know, everybody else is X, Y, Z, and I'm right back in M”, take a minute and really think about what was I doing three years ago? What did I want three years ago? And then how many of those things have I got now? 

And just that moment of gratitude sometimes is all it takes to move from this fixed mindset of everything's a bit shit right now to, you know, I'm actually well on my way and maybe I should stop being so hard on myself.

Anyway, I hope that helps you. And I'll be back next Tuesday with another tip, tactic or tool.

Thanks for listening to My Daily Business Coach podcast. If you want to get in touch, you can do that at mydailybusinesscoach.com or hit me up on Instagram - @mydailybusinesscoach.


Episode 6: Finding Awe, Manufacturing Overseas and More Business Tips from Phoebe Bell, founder, Sage x Clare


Episode 4: Coaching Session with Fiona Killackey: What Drives Customers to Purchase A Product or Services?